Our Representative Clients


University of Virginia

One of the top-rated universities. We have built several SharePoint and .NET based solutions. Our eCommerce Storefront sells educational content to faculty and students worldwide. Our Case Management solution manages the creation, editing, conversion, and distribution of educational content and saves Darden Business Publishing days! There are few other innovative solutions in works right now.


United CIIGMA Hospital

One of the largest Super-Speciality hospital in Aurangabad, India. We are building a suite of hospital automation solutions. Our goal is to make life easier for patients, doctors, and staff so they can focus on more important aspects of medical care. Right from website development to Online Billing and Payment, Asset Management, Pharmacy Management, ECommerce and more, we are determined to streamline United CIIGMA's operations.



Sprint is USA's 4th largest wireless carrier. At Sprint, we have built an innovative, feature-rich Network Inventory Management System. We have also deployed and managed Sharepoint-based Project Management and Reporting solutions as well as Contractor Management solutions. We have also deployed a highly configurable Network Discovery solution that integrates with Nokia, Ericsson and AirSpan Element Management Systems[EMSs].


Viterion, A Bayer Company

Viterion serves as Diabetes division of Bayer Pharmaceuticals. Our flagship solutions have been a Sharepoint-based Trouble Ticketing System as well as a customized Microsoft Dynamics CRM system. After reviewing the solutions, Microsoft could not believe that we were not Microsoft Partners then.


Global Tel*Link

GTL is a market leader in providing communications services to federal and state governments. A few years back, we presented a business case on how our solution can save GTL 400K/month. We built the solution in 3 phases with incremental benefits. Last year, our solution saved them over 7MM in carrier costs. Moreover, we assisted them in launching a new line of business partly based on our solution. Over these years, we have provided several other services.


Fannie Mae

Our first success at Fannie Mae was building a Sharepoint-based Marketing automation system to replace an existing cloud-based solution. This saved them 650K/year in licensing costs. We then configured, customized and integrated their Siebel CRM to improve efficiencies and adaptability.



Our Sharepoint-based Project Management and Reporting tool is very successful at Ericsson. In the first phase, it is managing over 60 large projects. We are working on the second phase of implementation to expand this to 120+ projects.


Coldwell Banker

We launched an innovative CRM solution for Coldwell Banker after 35+ man-years of effort. This solution managed all constituents for entire real-estate transactions. It integrated with Staples, MLS, Kinkos, Dun and Bradstreet, etc. Moreover, we launched a Marketing automation solution that mashed Google Maps, USPS data and lead generation vendors to accurately target the real-estate marketing efforts.



For TMED, we built their flagship telemedicine product in record time. This product uses advanced video technologies to foster collaboration between doctors and patients as well as provide care to remote patients. We provided support to make the product HIPAA compliant. We hosted and supported the product for 2 years.



SunRocket was a leading consumer VOIP company of its time competing with Vonage. We provided all services right from its inception. We built several telecom solutions. We remotely managed all servers, applications and network 24x7. In 3.5 years, we helped SunRocket grow from 0 to 250,000+ customers.