Sharepoint Sucks? Not Really...

When one of our major telecom clients invited us to discuss their project reporting challenges, we suggested a quick SharePoint-based solution. However, “SharePoint sucks!” was what our client executive said. Today, after using our SharePoint-based Project Reporting and Management solution, he and his colleagues cannot imagine a day without the SharePoint-based solution.

We strongly believe that several people bash SharePoint due to the lack of awareness about what SharePoint really is. It truly is a “platform” and not a finished “product”.

Make sure you are using SharePoint the right way

SharePoint is less of a finished product and more of a platform which is much more flexible, customizable and configurable. Many organizations start with using it out-of-the-box or with minimal configuration and quickly conclude that SharePoint has limited capabilities. At times, such opinions are prejudiced by the limited features in the SharePoint legacy versions [SP 2003 and SP 2007]. Just like any other Microsoft product does, SharePoint has come a long way in the last 10 years and the current version viz. SP 2010 and SP 2013 are powerful platforms to quickly address several business challenges.

And then…..”Use the right tool for the right solution” mantra is applicable for SharePoint too. Solutions with high transaction volumes or complex reporting requirements may not be the right fit for SharePoint. There still remain about 60-70% business challenges which can be addressed by SharePoint-based solutions. Trouble Ticketing Systems, Approval Management, Course Management, Contractor Management, Project Reporting, Marketing Automation, Conversion and Distribution, and several other solutions can be built on SharePoint within weeks. However, if SharePoint is used for an unsuitable business challenge, SharePoint cannot be blamed for not meeting one’s expectations.

Lastly, organizations have to invest into training its IT staff as well as engaging experienced Microsoft Partners like workMETHODS Solutions to build initial solutions until IT staff is ready. However, organizations who think that just installing SharePoint is sufficient will probably meet with disappointment.

Do the right thing!

The only reason why our above-mentioned client [name reserved for obvious reasons] started to love SharePoint is that workMETHODS helped them understand the power of the SharePoint platform. We built the entire solution and deployed it within weeks. With the same client, we are working on another SharePoint based Contractor Management Solution

workMETHODS has significant experience conceptualizing, designing, developing, and implementing several complex SharePoint-based solutions for clients like Fannie Mae, Bayer Pharmaceutical, University of Virginia, Sprint, Ericsson, and few others. We have also hosted SharePoint for our clients and manage/support the solutions for them.

Our solution at the University of Virginia has improved process time from 1 week/content to 10 minutes/content! Our SharePoint-based Trouble Ticketing system has made their Diabetes Support Team more efficient by reducing the number of calls to the center. Fannie Mae is saving $650K/year due to our SharePoint-based Marketing solutions.

The only thing common between all these diverse clients is that they engaged workMETHODS Solutions to analyze how they can effectively use SharePoint.

We can bring the same success to your organization! We can make this happen in weeks!

If you are hearing SharePoint bashing in the break rooms or you are worried about your SharePoint ROI or would like to learn how to use SharePoint more effectively, please do the right thing. Contact workMETHODS Solutions at or call us at 703-889-8339 Ext. 100. Give us the opportunity to prove that SharePoint doesn’t suck!


workMETHODS is a global software and consulting services company. With the right blend of people, processes, and products, we have delivered results to several Fortune 500 as well as start-ups. We will assist you to fundamentally rethink and redesign how your organization will meet its strategic objectives.

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